Tips for De-Winterizing Your RV and Spring Cleaning

May. 3 2022 RVing By Rapidboost

It's just as vital to de-winterize and ready your RV for the forthcoming camping season as it is to winterize it after the camping season! Before you de-winterize your RV, perform a thorough inspection of the exterior and inside to ensure it is free of visible damage.

Inspection from the outside

Keep an eye on your propane bottles.

It has to be within a ten-year lifespan. Count the level of propane left in your tank and think about topping it out.

Examine the roof.

Check for tearing-off on cords.

Examine the 12V Batteries, then pull them into place and reconnect them.

Check for any leaks in the tank hoses.

Inspect the jacks for levelling.

Extend your awning's reach

Examine the fabric's condition.

Check for any tears or holes.

Examine the tyres.

Check to see if they're properly inflated.

Examine the tread's condition.

Examine the sidewall for cracks or damage.

Examine the latches on the inside and outside of the door.

Inspection of the inside

Examine for water damage.

Pipe systems should be examined.

Check for leaks under the sink and around the toilet's edge.

Your refrigerator needs to be charged.

Check to see if it works in each power source mode.

Make sure there's no mildew on it by wiping it down.

Lights should be turned on and tested.

Replace any fuses that have blown out.

Examine the circuit breakers.

Detectors should be checked for expiration dates or batteries should be replaced.

Propane in liquid form

Carbon monoxide is a gas.

Detectors of smoke

Make that the emergency exits are working properly.

Make sure your stove is clean.

Examine the RV slides for proper operation.

Antifreeze should be flushed away.


Remove your RV's pillows and cushions and shake them out. It's also a good idea to sanitise them with the sun's rays! Wipe off all surfaces with a microfibre cloth, especially beneath and around gadgets and vent covers. Wipe down cabinets and drawers with a warm cloth, and wipe the windows! Check to see if your air conditioning filters are clean and in good working order. To eliminate any filth and grime, mop and vacuum your RV's floor with warm soapy water, then disinfect your household items and bathroom. Buy your dream RV from the premier RV dealer in Edmonton and surrounding areas.